Wheat-free & junk-free, 100% natural treats for dogs dental care. Fresh Breath dog treats are hand baked and expertly blended to help keep your dog's breath fresh so you can get closer and give big cuddles. The delicious, low calorie recipe includes peppermint oil which both aids the fresh breath smell & digestion, Parsley, a natural deodoriser and chicory a natural prebiotic, as bad breath can often be a result of poor digestion.
The biscuit’s abrasive action can also help to clean your dog’s teeth as they chew.
A complementary food for dogs. Suitable for all breeds and ages from 16 weeks old.
Composition: Oat flour, rice flour, chicken gravy, dried chicken (7%), parsley, peppermint oil (0.4%), vitamin e (0.33%), chicory extract (0.1%), yucca extract (0.1%). analytical constituents: crude protein 12.3%, crude oils & fats 12.8%, crude fibre 1.4%, inorganic matter 2.6%
No added salt or sugar
Less than 3.7 calories per treat.
Feed 5-15 treats / day depending on dog's size
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